Thursday, December 31, 2009
我呢 输不输得起。
转眼要23了。现在进去forever 21的店都在想自己还有没有资格。
Thursday, December 24, 2009
I am alone at my room. it is always the best way to celebrate.
the 2 Christmas before univerity were nothing but crazy night at orchard.
we got dirty and wet and tired. this is no longer our thing.
then the first 2 Christmas were almost the same. had dinner with AJ and then we went back home early before 8pm and enjoyed out silent night.
last year was the best ever.
this year, i got the best gift yesterday from myself and now i am loving the night. quiet, no people around, and the distance to Rhodes Island is even not that far.
can i just make a wish.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Say goodbye to my dear friend who has been with me for 8 months
it would be totally an unique experience with you.
you dont know how much i am thankful now.
thank you for being fair to me.
suddenly the bad results came out yesterday means nothing.
because efforts finally are paid off now.
I wanna thank many people.
And I wanna thank myself for hanging there, for keep doing the tedious and boring work with no sense of speculation.
It's a long way.
Though it is true for some people who don't care that it is not a big deal at all.
yeah it is just a test which can determine nothing.
but it tells me, life is worth fighting for.
and though it let you down once, as long as you do not give up.
the day you hope for will finally come.
I am way too happy. Need to get some sleep.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Panic Panic Panic Panic Panic!!
Please Please Bless Me....
Please please please please
Monday, December 21, 2009
over control of nothing.
afterall i am still nobody.
but one thing is right: it's my fight.
no one else cares like myself do.
dream is over.
or there is not dream ever.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
and last night i was not allowed to have a temper.
i am so not a temper person.
i am so not a choleric person.
I do try to make myself happy. really.
happy like a stupid baby who never grows up.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
记得当时拿到那张断线的耳朵 就是最喜欢这首歌
想想 5年多了
和良还录过好几次 她好像之后还改编了又录了一次
呵呵 想起挤在宿舍一个小间里面用复读机录歌的艰苦日子
Everytime I think of you,
I get a shot right through into the bottom of blue.
可是每人都喜欢每人都唱 Bizarre Love trangle也不再bizarre了。
R & R
*Sometimes I really hate some of my good friends behaving inconsiderate and ponderous swelled-headed. If you cant do things for my good, at lease do not impede me from doing so.
* I love when someone said "what she really wants is to be with us." because it's damn true.
* I start to believe in so-called"women's instinct" and "tacit understanding".
* 3 days left. Please pray for me. I am trying hard. Please don't let me down.
December means no holiday for me. And I am ok with that.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Killed too many
untold ants. one bee. and several dunnno what bugs/insects on my floor this morning.
RVR really makes me feel what old KR really means.
People told me before but i did not feel it then.
and the toilets are dirty even during holidays.
I still wonder who the hell are the ones peeing on the toilet bowl all the time?
Can people stop behvaving like disgusting idiots.please.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I guess i am that kind of person.
normally i should be in bed 2 hours ago.
but i am now still sitting here trying to call that number. over and over again.
about every half an hour, my skype deduced 0.017 euro because of a not get-throughed call.
i should probably give up and go get some sleep.
I am not sleep at all. that's the problem.
the whole not getting through the line thing keeps bugging me. I hate to bring sth in mind to my dream. i don't like to leave the knotty feeling to the next day.
I just can't get over it.
I am just mad i guess. I am sick of being able to do nothing but pressing the "call" button like a robot. If the distance is not so remote, i can easily get a car or even plane to check it out what is going on there.
ok i have to admit it that it's probablly nothing really happened. in all it would be just another stupid accident like out of battery.
when could this end.
i need a voice other than "please leave your message."
I feel lonely. in this city, i am so on my own.
i was trying to make a phone call. the whole day. more than 20 times.
the phone over the line was always off.
I am sick of the automatic answering machine.
I wish a lot of things to be different but i am diffident too. I so hope someone can be more certain than me hence I dont need to scare.
now i can even not control a phone call.
I am not avaricious. 你比谁都懂。
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
23号再一层 29号还要一层
sometimes i need a hug.
but i know, a voice is enough.
Lucky I got that.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
中国摇滚起不起来不晓得 不过最后一句话倒是真的
不仅仅是摇滚 而且是各个方面
觉得新加坡international , 充斥着英美文化的影响
其实 It's just a small island, in GRE it is insular.
今天去面 an American.
回来的路上就碰到Matt, 他马上就回psu了。
现在下着雪吧。圣诞之后 我离开得整整一年。
今天还看见一口水战 无聊的可以去死。
It's getting annoying. You dont wanna to be related to another person over and over again.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
So stupid that you think the world is hopeless.
and the only cute guy in the office, an American, is leaving this friday.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The boat that rocked
working is stupid. any kind of work.
isn't bank work stupid? yes!why ppl are still rushing for it? money.
Being in the same position for more than 1 year is going to kill me.
nothing new. nothing to learn. nothing excited.
I told my mom. I am so going to get a PHD.
My mom said, then you will feel everyone is stupid. how are you gonna live in this world?
Then i start to realize this may be true.
I won't stand the fact that the science research is not applied in the real industry. They are still using the stupid simple old model and process.
They are still inefficiently collecting and checking data.
Which there is no way to change it. We have to use human, then cause human errors.
I like Market Probe. The people are nice. I have my own big desk and a little place in the office. I never have such things before. I actually have a real office , I can put my stuff there, coat, mug, notes. there is always Milo, Coke, Tea in the pantry. not as wonderful as Unilever's , but I just like this more, it's lovely and makes me feel like home. i dunno why. the feeling is good. And Working time is flexible enough.
But...maybe i have too much fantasy in market research. Swami is right, at the beginning , you should not expect those glamorious jobs.
What am I ending up to?
I want to see you dear. where are we ending up to.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
tired of
I just feel some complains are coming from nowhere.
No one is just simply better than the rest.
No one is just unlucky.
I am so tired of hearing the same stuff all over again.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Miss Home
She is a friend of my parents and brought some stuff for me from them.
I am so happy to feel the home.
Food, sweater and Jinan accent.
Just now Yun told he may come back to china next May.
It would be too good for me to believe.
I never thought I could be able to see him in person so easily.
I mean, It is supposed to be easy.
But in reality, I alwyas got the feel that it would be damn hard and wait for another one or two years to come true.
Hope is sometimes the best thing in the world ever.
Hence it could be the one which is so inducing.
The more you think about it, the more you scare it will slip sway.
It's all my fault.
I am just sick of my lousy exam skills.
why am i keeping making silly mistakes while I can work out the most difficult questions. Then everything is wasted again. I can never get A.Even literally i should.
Today, most odd assessment center ever.
I sat in the small interview room alone writing 4 sets of tests and 3 essays and one translation in 5 hours. Cold and hungry. 930am-230pm.
no lunch. no water. no people to talk to.
Even the HR staff went for lunch and then came back, i was still writing my ass off.
IS it the way for them to test our endurance?
Oh Happy Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Handsome Guys are all married.
well, SG really does not have handsome guys.
I feel sorry but the top three are all Chinese.
Then I just found out that 2 of them are married already.
the more weird thing is one of them is 27 already and our lecturer (which is No.3) is only 23.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A tumultous decade.
I decade of protests, dissents and divides.
People changed, America Changed, the world changed.
One important part is the value. The young adults, the college -aged people, just like us, were against almost all the estabished traditions and the values their parents were used to believe in.
The world sometimes say US is insane. its people are crazy.
BUt one thing never changes -- American people love freedom.
Freedom is the drive for everything.
when the society is sick, they take drugs, play the music very loud, dance around and build themselves a fantacy world where everything is beautiful.
But why I feel the people in that era were the purest ever. I just love the 1960s and the brilliant music and brilliant ideas. though there were wars, there were inequality.
Look now. People are getting weird.
I did not see freedom. I see they rush to the same destination, they speak the same language, they have the similar dream and want similar things.
I see people 's contempt on those real nice and beautiful behaviors. people's ignorance of the real problems out there in then world. I see people 's selfishness and narrowness. I see people too concentrate on who they are and their little square but not the whole picture.I see people's strong wish to successbut even donno what they really love to do for the rest of life. I see people gossip around. I see people being lazy and stupid.
I see myself one of them too.
I should , and have to , get out of here.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
RIP Dr. Su
还有如果不是他 我这辈子物理这种学科也拿不了A。
每次看到他都是笑眯眯的 还有两个可爱的孩子
Thanks for giving me the once in life time SEP experience by sending me to the right place, pennstate. My life would changed a lot if i went to somewhere else.
We will miss you. and may peace with your family and friends .
人生苦短 如果2012真的是世界末日 如果身边的人或者自己都随时有可能离去
I dont want to think for long-term. just right at this minute.
Monday, November 16, 2009
I uninstalled PPS
It wasted way too much time of mine.
But it feels great to watch Monica and Chandler finially got together:)
I promise I will never watch Friends until exams are over.
Life is tough.
PS : since when people started not to send confirmation email any more?
It sucks!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Fake Plastic Trees
All time classic.
"Oh my fake plastic love.
If I could just turn and run."
Today after an interview.during which i was asked to write an essay...
damn damn damn.
I was like a dumb sitting there and did not know waht to write.
on the bus back home, I almost passed by all the companies i have applied to.
even the restaurant taht I went for casting.
Singapore is just too small.
I so know what I want.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Cat Cafe
It gonna be fun.
wanna let you know that I love you no matter what . even you are a person who is very last minute, dont have any plans, don't study like I do, don't go to class every day like I do. that's you. because that's you.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Such a fool
I made a big screw up during my most important interview so far.
I hate myself for being stupid like that.
Sigh. I don't know when the next opportunity will come...i blow off this one..but will definitely not do that again.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The movie is on youtube so i rewatched it again.
He still sounds so beautiful and moves like 20 years old.
After so much tortures by the stupid people, he is still so forgiving and graceful.
There will be no other man like him.never ever.
no one can move like he one can sing like he does...
the world should be ashamed by what they have done.
Thursday, November 5, 2009

As if I will be the one who is better off.
我仍然想要的是一幢小房子 炊烟升起
我再也不能说singlish了.I am trying my very best.
Life should be easy. why people begin to bring pressure and panic and stress to their lives.
be yourself
You have chosen a different way.
No one is always better than others.
Just be happy and be yourself alright
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky You'll get by...
If you smile
With your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
if you'll just...
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you'll just...
Monday, November 2, 2009
We had him.
He was the biggest star in the world.
He was a brother, son, father , and a friend.
For us , he was an icon, inspiration, and forever hero.
I could not come out with some great speeches like them in the memorial.
But we can feel it for every single words they said.
We miss him. For his music, his movement, his pose, his talent, moreoever, for who he is, what he has been through, and the love he kept giving.
Before all his personality, he is a wonderful and nice person at first.
1977-We lost Elvis
1980-We lost John Lennon
2009-we loose Michael Jackson
I dont really understand the pain of the previous two.
But this one I do.
If he was still with us now, that would be the greatest concert ever, perfect last curtain call. In the movie he was so shinning, moving like a young man, singing with all of his passion, inspirating every single one of us.
AJ and I could not stand up and leave even the movie was over. We could only sit and look at the screen until all the lights were on and cry. and music stopped forever.
Could not believe this is the end. This is it.
Michael , Why didn't you stay.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Unless you are my family or my the other half.
Thank you.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I am a pedestrian
I came out of MRT from Ocean Tower, it is right opposite the place I was going. BUT!!
I just could not cross the street! There is NOOO crossroads nearby, and there are banisters to prevent people from crossing.
Stupid Singapore transportation engineers!
I had to walk another 15 minutes just to get to the other side of the road.
That's one of the many things that I hate big cities.
Monday, October 26, 2009
loneliness issue

I wish the book in my hand is some lovely little prose works or lovely little collection of photographs instead of red bible. I need to get rid of it by the end of dec. I will.
I need to read some real books. badly.
iS it true all those extraordinary people ought to be alone?
To bear loneliness is a must.
If that's the case, i have passed the first test.
but i never meant to be extraordinary.
so can this loneliness end soon...?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Life is a gamble

she used some facts and stories trying to persuade me to think about every decision carefully and not to gamble.
well, i know there are scary consequences of making one single mistake.
but no one knows the outcome if he never tries.
if that is the risk i have to take, then there is no way to avoid it.
we have entered a stage of choices.
the industry we are going to work in, a small company or a huge MNO, the popular banking and finance industry or the specific area of our own interests.
to get an advanced degree or directly enter the work force.
to stay in this boring small island or get out of here asap.
to stick to the current guy or girl or be beaten by the harsh situation and give it up.
to bet whether this one is our soul make or just an illusion which we create on our own.
to accept the offer or wait for another one to come.
sometimes we need proof and response from the other. someone we just choose to believe and hope for the best.
you never know when is the right time and what is the right thing to do.
I guess life is like a big gambling game, with numerous hands by the table.
you try to guess the cards in their hands. sometimes you get them, sometimes you just are over confident. even sometimes you under estimate yourselves.
then that's life.
I am not going to quit just because I am afraid that the possible results will not be what i expected, or because I may have a better option.
Don't gamble!
Well, then what else can we do.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Get myself a small store

anyway it's lovely. typical store that we dream for years to have one.
music. books. photographs. drink. cake. and some tables to sit.
First time I have seen such stores in SG.
maybe because i dun really have friends to go find some here.
it reminds me our big plans when we were young... on well younger.
I almost forgot them .
but now i remember.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I was organizing my laptop disk the other day. my folder of music was messy.
it took up too much space.
so i listened to every sub folder then delete those songs which no longer interested me.
in the end i deleted no more than 2 sub folders.
I 'd love to keep those old old folders like forever.
they will never get out of fashion.
I messed up my plan.
I could not reach my target yesterday because i came back too late and had a full day class, even Guo persuaded me skip one tutorial..which made me feel guilty till now.
I need to become a PHD to prove that I love school.
a lot of feelings were haunting around.
saw a few old people and bunch of unfamiliar face.
Some people say seniors should always come back like a lot of them did so, dance, band, everywhere.
It seems good for bonding, saying oh we have so many alumni.
but. is it really a good thing. what about those freshies who would like to take part in more? if seniors are always there , how many chances left for the new comers?
Dont look back in anger. I heard you say.
In the end we just lost a very good friend. it seems not a big deal.
in university how many close friends you have made and how many of them walked away for this or that weird stupid or common reasons.
Life is sometimes a joke.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
It wipes away the crappy feeling of recieving rejection letters.
one after another.
and it is just the start.
I miss those snowy days.
Heard that state college just had the first snow on the homecoming weekend.
omg it's been a year.
Monday, October 12, 2009
I am a person always with a plan.
but this time, my plan does not work at all.
any plan is useless.
and this is maybe the most important time ever so far in life.
plan does not help. asking does not help. think does not help.
only time will tell.
i am afraid of making mistakes.
But if that is the risk i have to take..then fine.
the one who is supposed to be making things not so uncertain happens to be a person never has a plan...= =“
ok think about it again one year later.
so tired of thinking thinking thinking. planing planing planing.
in the end, all is trash.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
It is also a miracle i am broke because I eat a lot. of cuz plus an air ticket.
now Yun is skiping half of the lectures
and when I was in US i ate a lot better but still rich. hmm i mean i still got money to spare and travel.
I screwed up one exam. I don't wanna screw up the rest two.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I said yeah.
I got so much to do.
but i dun feel like doing any.
I could not understand the paper i am reading. hence I could not do programming. hence i could not finish what i was supposed to do by friday. hence i should not worry about the exam on saturday since it has less priority.
Basically . I am stucked.
And I wanna talk and do a video chat.
I had a dream last night. in the dream I was poor, alone and miserable.
i have a feel that i could earn very little and end up all by myself.
tell me it is not true.

once my friends and I were talking about getting one big codo after we graduated and live together. that would be so much fun. just like in the TV series.
But I only realized that this could never come true. people are going to different parts of the world. Even I don't know where myself would be in a couple of years.
Queen brought up an idea that we should go travellng this december.
that made me start to accept that face that my two significant friends are leaving Singapore really soon. this may be the last chance that we could go out play for a few days together.
Seriously, without these friends, how can I survive in this island? Stucking in the island is bad, what makes it worse is your friends who were there with you, are gone.
whenever i feel lonely, upset or simply not happy, i have those friends. so i am never alone.
They are just too significant. We were together all the time.
just a call away. or just a few blocks.
Once I thought we will fight together in this small country. after work we can chat, laugh and hang out at night.
This will not happen. I get it. and Eventually I may probably leave too.
I just hope friendship is always there...and the beautiful memories are always there....
I am gonna miss you guys so much.
I never say that.
But I think you all know.I hope so.
Wish everyone happy.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
not for drug. not for alcohol. of cuz.
I need to get rid of this freaking emotional thing which bothers me day and night.I need to stop thinking about my one minute and be independent and go out and get some life and do my work. tons of work out there.
but i feel like doing nothing before i get my 1 minute.
since the 1 minute never happened in most of the days. i dun feel like doing anything in those days. like now.
I left 500 words msg, and got fewer than 10 in return.
and totally irrelevant.
how good is that.
I cannot keep crying and asking for mental support. it makes me silly and useless.
no one is there offering such things. i get it . thank you.
i am so not superwomen.
I should just go back to Pennsylvania and be a farmer.
a minute
All I want is one minute every day.. so show some attention.
I am tired of trying. maybe i shall fight no more forever too.
sick of keep being disappointed. I'd rather be hopeless. and accept the fact.
you never say. but i guess that I am just not worth that 1 minute.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I wanna book flight tickets to go back to USA
I want money to buy flight tickets .
Saturday, September 5, 2009
This vid makes me cry
although i am not really a graduate from Penn State, this vid almost makes me cry , like those who commented on the video.
Some people will never understand why i miss my SEP so much, why I heart a town called state college so much. I know , you just cant understand.
It is a place where I really live a life for myself.
It is a period of time that no pains , no sorrows, no worries, no unnecessary social life, no all those fake and superficial conversation, no pressures, no feeling down, no disappointments, nothing bad.
everyday is fresh, colorful, free , easy , and happy. truly happy.
I only have experienced 22 years of my life. I cannt say it is the best place of all but so far it is best time of my life.
I don't expect those to understand. You don't know me so stop commenting on me.
Happy valley. a surreal corner of the earth.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Professional model
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tues and Wed
feel like the world is mine.
I can catch time. totally overcome any time difference.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I dont feel it. nothing is special.
but it is absolutely true.
Oh I am astounded.
and I do need to use some GRE words as much as possible.
For my own good.
Believe me i am not a career-oriented or academic-oriented person.
All I wanna do is to live a life I want.
It seems easy but it is freaking damn hard.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I love my room
I love the bed, i never wanna get up in the morning.
I got myself a small electronic water kettle. 1st thing after i wake up, boil water and make a cup of hot jasimine tea.
turn on laptop. turn on the music.
do my stuff. drink tea. then do my stuff.
next some cooking if possible, and go to swimming and gym regularly.
that is waht we call healthy lifestyle.
someone on the other side of the earth is living a overturn one: sleep in the daytime and playing poker at night.
i somehow feel happy that this makes me feel we are in the same time zone.
and we are getting a same T shirt which I always wanna do that.
oh and i finally see the face. how good is that.
then i recieve a call from my friend to ask me out for dinner. you know it is so difficult to move my ass away from monitor and out of my room, then when i finaly arrived at cateen, that friend finished eating already. lol.
ok let's start a day. yesterday is a programming one.
today is gonna be reading one.
gd luck. - people still call it luck.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
accidentally i watched this video.
it is incredibly amazing to use Chariot as our last song.
the Last bow....omg i miss the knees....
I mean those people. every single one of them.
I am a lousy and lazy drummer.
Oh and i suddenly remember that when iwas in US , jd asked me to organize KTV session during Chinese New Year which I totally forgot...>_<
wish everyone well. seriously.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I love the place.
I love to stay alone in the room
except for the annoying noice from the construction work in YIH>
it is killing me right now.
But this only proves one thing: Singapore is still a developing country.
which is absolutely true.
get over it
things were like shit and i could not stop saying FML.
i thought It could never be worse. but then i realized, who knows.
the worse thing is yet to come. you just need to get over it.
I should not complain since I am not doing my best.
I should not say that my entire 3 months went to nothing.
I got a bloody result.
I had so many doubts and concerns taht whether i should keep on fighting or just wake up to the reality.
Cried a few hours. got scolded for a few times.
by others and by myself.
nothing was going on right.
then after a stupid long phone call and i became that stupid idiot who was crying all the time and wish that I could express myself fully and better.
just a little bit better.
I just need to know waht I am doing is the right thing.
please keep reminding me that.
I am so tired of reminding myself all alone.
I am frivolous.
I know I am.
trumpery. anothing word i leant.
or whatever.
I know I am a loser with nothing in control.
so ironic that my honor thesis is "process control".
I need to record what i do in a CUSUM chart to monitor whether I have gone out of control, I guess.
Get over it . get over it.
I give myself another chance and one last try on 23 Dec.
Did I mention that I wanna thank you for going through it with me and not letting me down?
it seems meaningless i know.
ok i should stop messing around and get myself a cup of hot tea and back to work.
When the world is wrong. there is nothing to complain but try to make it right.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I have no time to doubt
i should be happy because of it.
it is not the same any more...?
i am still not happy.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I don't know where this takes me to the end.
Being emotional is useless since it cant change the situation anyway.
but I want something that is 100% pure.
I know it is not.
but I imagine it to be.
I cant see the light. the light shows the exit.
It is so messed up.
Monday, May 4, 2009
This semester
Live a peaceful life. not busy. no need social.
free and easy. staying at home most of time.
have a lot of time on my own.
happy making phone calls and chatting online.
finally got time to study instead of spending most of it on activities.
What else.
I got allergy.
takes one week to recover.
right after that I fell down on my Bday. on the way to work.
then all the photographers need to wait for me to have rest every half an hour.
how patient they were. I was so thankful.
then for the whole month I almost could not move my body. need to stand up straight and sleep lying on the bed straight.
in the reading week, my allergy flushed around again for 2 days.
stupid exam timetable makes me have 3 exams in one day.
and accidentally that's the day NUS start to take temperature for everyone.
my final exams suck.
for the first sem i study so hard you know.
well. forget about it.
then. I applied a number of internships.
one in the end they chose one out of 3. not me.
another one in the end they choose 2 out of 4 . not me again.
applied korean summer program. rejected.
Penn state professor accepted me to go back for research. but his project got rejected.
Well, we blame the time. blame the market.
whatelse? I don't know.
oh I got GFF as my supervisor. this is only lucky thing for me this semester
he is cute <3
but i have a happy semester . Really.
thanks for being there with me. you make me wanna fight with the routine that I natually accepted.
We should both be a better person. we will.
well well. one last exam tmr and one last internship interview!
Whatever happens, i will have a good summer vacation.
wish you do too.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
this crazy job market
a guy got good statistics academic record. but he just could not get a statistics internship.
and i know those companies who are really recruiting statisticians, the people they finally accepted are those with a lot working experience but a poor academic record.
I don't really know who they are looking for.
It's just unfair.
People with a CAP from 4.3-4.6 is so awkward now . cannot get a job as good as first class honor guys. being treated as a normal 4.0,4.1 ppl or even second lower ones
And people favor singaporeans and PR.
No life For us. SERIOUSLY.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Officially rejected
I called then and heard the news of rejection.
I knew the result already. I knew it.
I know many ppl got bad luck this year for job hunting.
So me is just one of the common unlucky ones.
I know what I want for my life.
I know I want to go home.
I know I dont want to do internship cuz got more important things to do.
but i just feel down because of the the fact that some ppl think I am not good enough.
Yes i am not perfect but i know i am good enough for that project.
Well, I am fine.
life goes on.
and I want to go back to state college. Badly. Eagerly.
I am not going to think too much and just live my current life.
I get it. I will.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The day has come
Finally the Singapore Pools Internship interview is here.
It's the most wanted internship for me.
Market researcher. Buying consumer. Gaming industry.
They will select 2 people out of 4 today.
1/2 - is the probablity high or not.
I dunno why I always do those relax chat with the interviewers like they are just my friends. They are so kind that they laughed because of my lame jokes...So i did not feel that awkward...
Just Hope for the best.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Last day of class in year 3
2 types of professors I like the most.
the first type is like Mr. T. Young, smart, fun, treat teaching seriously, enhance our thinking ability, friendly and efficient.
the other is like Mr. G. experienced, but not old-fasioned. Cute and cool. no lame jokes. helpful, and still approachable.
I am serioulsy thinking to become a research assistant after graduation.
Oh my.
Mr. H today said in the last lecture today there are many unexpected things happening. He had bad grades when he was in university and thought professor was a stupid job while now he has really become a professor.
no one know what is around the next corner.
life is fun becauses of these unexpected stuff.
for me, a person who always wanna plan ahead. maybe some changes will do me good.
I should stop worrying about the things that are not here yet.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
i guess it's because prison break has not back yet that's why i started to watch GG last night.
and non stop till the time i slept
It must end now.
but one thing i have discovered is: I wont be afraid of anything as long as i have PPStream. Loneliness. sadness. depression. or whatever.
gosh i think I can be a person just stay in my room with my little silver forever.
Time to go out.hence i decided to "date" LC for a review session later.
And start reading week officially.
Monday, April 13, 2009
oh well
We chatted for quite a while, and he speaks good Chinese.
He doubts that whether I really stayed in PSU cuz I did not know the clubs and party places he mentioned, I called "white out" wrongly, I even like the weather there while he hates it the most.
Oh Well.
I guess I dun really experienced the most special part of PSU but it is so special to me. with great people. having great days.
I even started to think about going for a summer program for this coming holiday. I always said I dont want to wander here and there. I sometimes feel I am homeless cuz I am not sure what indeed my home is.
While Sometimes I just wanna go to different places.
Oh Well.
Until someday I can finally settle down with the guy I love and really have a home.
But when.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Last night
Thursday, April 9, 2009
It's small world
but i just heard that one of my friends followed his supervisor in France to USA to do some research work and now stay in the same room with my housemate when i was in Penn state.
it's just...unbelievable.
If the world is so small, can i see you somewhere soon?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Treasure Love
After so many things happen. I think the belief is still there.
I wish the best for this friend
He is such a nice person.
He is deserved to be happy...
Life is never easy.
Let's face it. with faith.

Sunday, April 5, 2009
So many plans.
I dunno which one will be the final one.
so far i can only put one foot in front of the other.
I cant control.
I wanna run toward it.
I sometimes just cant stand it.
I wanna forget about anything else and go for it.
but i cant. haiz...i am not brave enough. am I...?
But I wont give up.
I have a dream. May it come true.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
yeah. Faith is back.
My leg still hurts after the fall. moreoever i got infection in my eyes.
So went to UHC again to see doctors and get some medicine.
at the clinic i met dingying~
I just simply...miss her!
hehe..chatted a bit and found we are really similar...she dunno how got those injuries and pains as well...dunno how then fall down as well...
Nah....Fate of drummers?
Finals are coming...time flies just so fast..
Time please go faster and faster. I cant wait to graduate.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A long day
I have done so many things..
one after one. no break.
I found my FYP supervisor.
Even a topic to start with.
I went to postoffice.
I got an injection.
I finally recieved the reply from Penn State of not going back this summer.
Though I really wish to.
I know it's kind of hopeless but there is at least 0.01 probability.
well, now.
To much information.
way too much.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Christian Lacroix
I am not a little girl
If you ever try to undertand me.
then you will know i am not.
I need motivation
I need proof
I need communication
Not only little girls need these.
Every single human being needs them.
I feel so shitty.
I hate comparing.
I never mean to.
It's just not my problem.
I need to be treated normally.
I am not superwoman.
Friday, March 27, 2009

OMG it's just a gal at my age.
well family means a lot more than career to me.
Such a powerful voice. Full of anger.
If I were a boy
If I were a boy even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted
And go drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it
'Cause they stick up for me
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
'Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken
So they'd think that I was sleeping alone
I'd put myself first
And make the rules as I go
'Cause I know that she'd be faithful
Waiting for me to come home
It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake
Think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong
But you're just a boy
You don't understand
And you don't understand, oh
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you were a better man
You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
'Cause you're taking her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
But you're just a boy
Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can't complete
Listen to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release
Oh, the time has come for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own all 'cause you won't
Listen Listen, I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried to say what's on mind
You should have known
Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've gotta find my own
You should have listened, there is someone here inside
Someone I thought had died so long ago
Oh, I'm screaming out and my dreams'll be heard
They will not be pushed aside on words
Into your own all 'cause you won't
I don't know where I belong
But I'll be moving on
If you don't, if you won't
Regardless of Race , Nationality...etc , girls will be girls, boys will be boys.
All we need is communication.
But why you just won't listen.
why you just wont even try to understand.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What A DAY.
No celebration cuz got work to do.
And I fell down on the stairs in the rain!
the old sentence again--shit happens. all the time.
I dunno what sign it is...maybe a tough year ahead...
And for something i decided to not expect much but in the end it disappointed me still, i guess i still had hope on it.
But I got A lot of wishes. From A lot of people.
You people make my day. Thanks to let me know that I am not always forgotten.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I feel something is lost
this sunday got a photoshoot.
maybe a good way to say goodbye to my 21st year in life.
生病时觉得 只有健康最重要
I am just not good enough.
I have a bad GPA.
I cant tell how much i regret now.
只想快点好起来 重新开始。
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
all over again.
i guess shit happens.
all the time.
everything comes for a reason.
when the reason is unclear, it sucks.
I could not keep my promise since this shit happened...
I am so sorry for everything...
I just hope it can end soon...asap.
sometimes i start to like the time diffenece thing.even at midnight ,you still can make phone calls since people are not sleeping at the other side of the earth.
how good is that.
Thanks for all the friends that care about me. I feel so grateful to have you guys around. =)
Monday, March 16, 2009
倒是这次没什么 那护士一看到我的脸直接就让进去了 队都不用拍
直接上病床打针 然后我就昏睡过去了
虽然很不爽 现在还是很多红斑。
不过 因为不孤单所以仍然感觉很幸福。
Friday, March 13, 2009
现在看校内的唯一目的就是关注晓鸥的事情 分享关于晓鸥的日志 希望更多的人可以看到 自己的感受总觉得写了也是浪费资源
可是 今天真的很感动 也很难过
今天考了4个小时的试 5门期中考试终于都完了 不是特别理想 不过总算是刺激了我一下final一雪前耻
自己也干不了别的 献血不够资格 也没有强大人脉可以招钱 只有站站booth了
一直以来都是很乐观的看这件事情 觉得钱够了就没问题了 晓鸥这么坚强 李冰冰都治好了 我们这次也没有问题的
可是 才3天 大家甚至已经募捐到了将近李冰冰的全部治疗费用
可是 晓鸥的情况似乎比想象的要糟很多
晓鸥似乎精神也开始不好了 化疗确实很折磨人
想想妈妈以前化疗的时候 为了不让我担心 2个月都看到住院的她 一定也是克服了很大的苦难和折磨吧...想想这些就觉得妈妈很伟大呢 妈妈要好好锻炼 要长命百岁!
站booth的时候 听了解情况的那几个senior讲晓鸥的情况
大家有时候在笑 其实我真的不怎么笑得出来
不过还是要乐观吧 恩恩
很多好心人捐款 我在的时间已经是星期五下午4-6点了 人流最少的时候 而且很多想捐的同学都已经捐过了 可是一个多小时之内我也觉得至少1000多块被塞进了募捐箱 旁边的POSB ATM里的现金都被捐钱的人取光了 还有人跑去别的地方的提款机取钱了再回来捐 就算是不知道这件事的路人 只要拦下来跟他们解释这个事情 绝大多数的人都会慷慨解囊
觉得能够拿着传单说几句话就可以多弄点钱的话 也是一件值得欣慰的可以为她做点什么的事情了
Bless ....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I believe we can make it in the end...
Before that, take care and fight for it.
小胖说 加油 好吗?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
其实 我是越来越不懂得享受生活了
什么都不想买 大餐有人请客都不想吃 总是觉得除了日常三餐之外的奢侈都免了吧 有钱不如捐给晓鸥姐
booth helper招人 去报了名 过了一会再进去看看就几乎都填满了
一阵感动 总觉得其实中国人凝聚力特别的强
尤其是大学生 有一种无法想象的力量
这几年出的这么多事 每次都是这些热血沸腾的大学生最让我感动
But above all, I must find my life first.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
不过 如果你只是路过 请关注
人世无常 每一个灿烂的笑容之后 会发生什么 谁都不知道
曾经这么多的梦想 这么无限可能的未来
对于最近 自杀 猝死 刺伤 诸多事情都没有这一件让我如此的难过
生命如此的可贵 当有些人就这么轻易的放弃的时候
也有的人 像晓鸥一样这么渴望活下去
Friday, March 6, 2009
Life is short
不知道哪一天 身边的人也许就会不见
或者 都变了
今天突然想起来 去图书馆搜索连载
断断续续 看了6年多的NANA. 还是没有完结.
所有的人物我都喜欢 我就是不喜欢雷拉
NANA不想被人可怜 可是我觉得她好可怜 真的太可怜了
看着他们 莲的葬礼 突然收到邮件 是学校方面对那个昨天死去的交换上的悼念
就因为莲和NANA两个人的倔强 毕生的遗憾
生命很短暂 一定要抓紧时间向爱的人奔去。你说呢 Wall-E?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tonight. At the monent. I miss them as hell/
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
I miss the old ppl.
I miss junde I miss dingying I miss siewjin I miss denyse I miss Marcus.
Tonight cleaned Band Room with Eng Seng, put up all the posters again. They dropped down dunno when but ppl just left them in the corner.
I still remember in my year 1, that day we rearranged the room and did clean up and put up all the poster together. we even hung the guitar up on the wall too.
We went out to KTV and back in the mid-night.
We suppered in bandroom and got "drunk".
The JD bottle is still in the bandroom , so memorable.
We did panda makeup for our rockfest.
We practiced so often that every song was great.
We got so high on the stage, we jumped together (well, though i cant jump cuz i was on drum. lol)
We made the small little video for jd. I even cried for his leaving. haha..I was so young then...
We gathered many old band ppl together and supper, some of them got married already. Once in KE band, always in KE band
It was so fun.
Maybe it's not their problem.
Maybe I was not around for so long.
Maybe my passion is not there already.
I think all those golden days will just stay in my heart. but they will never come back.
原来 the song, "summer of 69' " is really true.
I cannot keep comparing.
I have much more things to do.
Just hope the last rockfest will go smooth. and hope all the juniors have fun in band now and in the future. and find the bonding back.
All those unhappy memories.
Doubts. Questions. Explanations. Facts.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Baxk to SG
hot and wet.
I miss state collge, it is warm.
I am not used to everything...I got on the car at the wrong side, I cant get sleep because of hot weather, i hate those insects, i hate singlish, i sometimes speak it though, I dont like talking to many ppl at the same time and i think hall is noisy.
I am used to the quiet life.
Handphone is down.
I sometimes I feel I have left happy valley for a long time, but it's just 2 weeks...
Things are so different. People are different. I am different.
Can I go back.