Saturday, August 22, 2009

I love my room

I feel like staying in my room forever.
I love the bed, i never wanna get up in the morning.
I got myself a small electronic water kettle. 1st thing after i wake up, boil water and make a cup of hot jasimine tea.
turn on laptop. turn on the music.
do my stuff. drink tea. then do my stuff.
next some cooking if possible, and go to swimming and gym regularly.

that is waht we call healthy lifestyle.
someone on the other side of the earth is living a overturn one: sleep in the daytime and playing poker at night.
i somehow feel happy that this makes me feel we are in the same time zone.
and we are getting a same T shirt which I always wanna do that.
oh and i finally see the face. how good is that.
then i recieve a call from my friend to ask me out for dinner. you know it is so difficult to move my ass away from monitor and out of my room, then when i finaly arrived at cateen, that friend finished eating already. lol.

ok let's start a day. yesterday is a programming one.
today is gonna be reading one.
gd luck. - people still call it luck.

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