Tuesday, November 23, 2010


First rule of the con - You can't cheat an honest man, because an honest man doesn't want something for nothing.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

read it somewhere

I hope that you have been living a life that you are proud of.
If not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

PC games

People say girls can never understand why guys love playing computer games so much. some say because games provide them a virtual hence perfect world which allows them to be the person they cant be in real world.
Yun said it is because life is so boring, he needs something to deal with, to relax, to keep himself entertained.
Whatever. I just hope I can be the one to replace those games.

Some day.

oh this weekend I made 炸酱面。 I am a fine cook now. Sometimes I am confused by those expensive dishes in high class resturant. they just make cooking complicated and taste more weird.
I am LC, I admit it.
And seriously I do not care.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


节日将近 各个地方的打折也开始了 人们奔走在大街上或者旅途中
年末很多人要把没有请完的假期用光 今天你明天我的On leave


哦昨天做的土豆烧牛肉 今天蛋同学炖鸡汤


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I have been cooking these weeks. One reason is to save money and to eat more veggie at a much lower cost, the other is my cooking really tastes better than the hawker centre downstairs.

I start to understand why people say cooking is a lifestyle. u cook with the love of life.

My life is getting better. I usually felt i was not a traditionally good girl as in I couldnt cook, I couldnt be a housewife. It is not that I wanna be a housewife, its that I should have the ability to do anything. I can earn money, and i can also take care of a family.

Now i think I have accomplished that. I am happy with myself.

Lets pray life goes on as I have planned.