Friday, February 27, 2009


I dont really know the ppl now.
I miss the old ppl.
I miss junde I miss dingying I miss siewjin I miss denyse I miss Marcus.
Tonight cleaned Band Room with Eng Seng, put up all the posters again. They dropped down dunno when but ppl just left them in the corner.
I still remember in my year 1, that day we rearranged the room and did clean up and put up all the poster together. we even hung the guitar up on the wall too.
We went out to KTV and back in the mid-night.
We suppered in bandroom and got "drunk".
The JD bottle is still in the bandroom , so memorable.
We did panda makeup for our rockfest.
We practiced so often that every song was great.
We got so high on the stage, we jumped together (well, though i cant jump cuz i was on drum. lol)
We made the small little video for jd. I even cried for his leaving. haha..I was so young then...
We gathered many old band ppl together and supper, some of them got married already. Once in KE band, always in KE band
It was so fun.

Maybe it's not their problem.
Maybe I was not around for so long.
Maybe my passion is not there already.

I think all those golden days will just stay in my heart. but they will never come back.
原来 the song, "summer of 69' " is really true.

I cannot keep comparing.
I have much more things to do.
Just hope the last rockfest will go smooth. and hope all the juniors have fun in band now and in the future. and find the bonding back.


Anonymous said...

Hugs babe. Let's meet up soon! :)

Anonymous said...

i miss you lots too!
and yes lets meet up! :):)