Sunday, November 22, 2009


In the preparation of American History exam, I perticularly paid attention to the revolution in 1980s.
A tumultous decade.
I decade of protests, dissents and divides.
People changed, America Changed, the world changed.

One important part is the value. The young adults, the college -aged people, just like us, were against almost all the estabished traditions and the values their parents were used to believe in.
The world sometimes say US is insane. its people are crazy.
BUt one thing never changes -- American people love freedom.
Freedom is the drive for everything.
when the society is sick, they take drugs, play the music very loud, dance around and build themselves a fantacy world where everything is beautiful.

But why I feel the people in that era were the purest ever. I just love the 1960s and the brilliant music and brilliant ideas. though there were wars, there were inequality.

Look now. People are getting weird.
I did not see freedom. I see they rush to the same destination, they speak the same language, they have the similar dream and want similar things.
I see people 's contempt on those real nice and beautiful behaviors. people's ignorance of the real problems out there in then world. I see people 's selfishness and narrowness. I see people too concentrate on who they are and their little square but not the whole picture.I see people's strong wish to successbut even donno what they really love to do for the rest of life. I see people gossip around. I see people being lazy and stupid.

I see myself one of them too.

I should , and have to , get out of here.

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