Wednesday, May 23, 2012

trust in love

I believe in true love. I don't mean those big unrealistic romantic love, not everyone can experience great love, most of us would just have a peaceful but fulfilling love with someone that can spend a life with you. He / She doesn't has to be perfect, doesn't has to be rich or smart, doesn't has to be super sensitive, doesn't has to be saying i love you all the time. Actually we just need someone to laugh with, someone to cuddle when it's cold, someone to depend on when we are sick.
It's not that hard.
So Yes I believe in love. I believe love can last forever and true love waits.
I will never lose that faith just because I was hurt before. I did, more than once. maybe I will again. but love itself is a faith. A person should be strong enough to love again.
Believing in love is actually believing in yourself. believing that we are lovable as we are so amazing.

1 comment:

Nana said...

yes! you are amazing. and u deserve the kind of true love u are longing for!