Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I guess I have lost my ability to write.
It's been a while since the last time I wrote a long article. a few months I think. I found it hard to believe I once wrote a mid-size novel. although it was full of crap and naive emotions and story line.

I remember I used to write a lot in high school. I was studying in a boarding school where not many things were there for entertaining. Besides studying, I spent most of the time reading, listening to music and writing. I have to say , as an emotional teenager, the more I wrote, the more I got emotional.
Then I grew up to be a young adult. I learnt life is too short to be emotional about.

I am always jealous of those who can keep writing and be good at it. I guess I only write when I am lonely. Its more about pretending to be friend with myself.

Too many stories were forgotten. Because I didn't write them down.
Too many people were forgotten. Because I didn't write them down.

I am going to be all alone again in a strange place, with no friends. everything is a fresh start. Starting all over again. It's not exciting at all. but it will give me a lot of time writing absolutely nothing at all.

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