Thursday, November 29, 2012

So easy. Simply so easy

It takes just a minute to ruin a perfect night. We were having a great dinner and laughing. Suddenly everything turned to a huge fight. I didn't even remember how it started. Why people have to say harsh things they are angry. why it is so easy to lose control. All the sorries and apologies seem so useless when the damage is already done. It takes just a minute to ruin a perfect night. How many horrible nights it takes to ruin a perfect relationship, or a perfect life? Why hurt the people you love.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Russia has always been a mysterious country to me. When I was little, I remember being in a Russian city on the Russia-China boarder. That was my first time ever visiting another country. The weird black bread, beautiful Russian girls, tall and strong and unfriendly Russian guys. Until I had my first facebook Russian friend - an amazing designer in Project Runway. I can't believe the small the world is and how much people can connect to each other. Until I had my first Russian professor. The accent is just cute and Russian men all have weird sense of humor - in a good way. Until I had my first Russian Colleague this year. Even I booked the Russian Flight tickets to go back home. I don't why I suddenly have so many Russian connections. I so wanna travel around the world now.