Sunday, October 17, 2010


Some bad memory just suddenly hit my head from a picture in facebook.

it just made me sick.

I will keep things balanced but something is just too hard to go away because it is just too disgusting.

Sick. Sick. Sick.

Especially just after I had a wonderful weekend staying at home and enjoying my time.

Friday, October 15, 2010

TGIF Again!

Friday is supposed to be nice.
But today is not so.

We deserve laughters, not tears.
I know I cry a lot. Thats because I cant hold back tears.
But it feels so different when seeing other's tears.
I hope everyone can be happy in the end , just like hope I do.

I got so many things await to be done...

I dont really talk to people about my work. But i was so pissed today that I have to say it out: BNP AUS is stooooooooooopid.
It may sound rude but they totally deserve it. I cant get things done properly everytime when dealing with them . Not even once.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


记得以前玩三国杀的时候 我不怎么喜欢这个游戏又不愿意扫了朋友们的兴 于是就号称桃源人 按部就班的出牌 其他的与我无关

就好象几天前的那个晚餐 闷着头吃我的面 抬起头来的时候始终是一脸茫然 他们说的什么我似乎突然都听不懂了 或者根本不愿意去听
问起我 就是远离八卦 珍爱生命

更何况 我确实听不出其中好笑的桥段

张三李四 他们如何 和我有什么关系

自己的事情尚且还焦头烂额 在乎的人失踪了 不在乎的人就算就在我旁边绕来绕去的又有什么分别

我只要真心的朋友 不要八卦式的问候 更何况并不是每个人都愿意和别人分享自己的一切

我越来越喜欢做一个桃源人 因为心里期待着一个不久会到来的桃源 为着这个桃源我可以不要那片铁打的江山 但是 我怎么可以确定桃源是真的存在 还是会让我撑着竹筏找来找去无功而返呢

所以至少给我一个可以连接的途径 一点光 而不是漆黑一片

need someone

I need someone who i dont have to worry that someday he would just suddenly disappear.

it is killing me.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chacing pavements

I've made up my mind,
No need to think it over,
If i'm wrong I aint right,
No need to look no further,
This ain't lust,
This is love but,
If i tell the world,
I'll never say enough,
Cause it was not said to you,
And thats exactly what i need to do,
If i'm in love with you,

I'd build myself up,
And fly around in circles,
Wait then as my heart drops,and my back begins to tingle
finally could this be it

Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Back home and left home again. this made me even more homesick.
When can i really stop travelling. When can i be with the loved ones every single day. when can i never ever need to deal with goodbyes.

its ok. I just dont like it.